Topic: governance

Preparation of the university's new strategic plan begins
The strategic plan A2025 period is coming to an end and the university has set up a committee to prepare a new strategic plan.
16. April 2024 governanceuniversity
Professor Mart Loog was elected Director of the Institute of Bioengineering
On 9 February, the council of the Institute of Bioengineering elected Professor of Molecular Systems Biology Mart Loog as Director of the institute.
21. February 2024 institutegovernance
Reet Kurg was re-elected as Director of the Institute of Technology
25. jaanuaril valis Tartu Ülikooli tehnoloogiainstituudi nõukogu aastateks 2024–2026 instituudi direktoriks praeguse juhi, molekulaarse biomeditsiini professori Reet Kure, kelle uus ametiaeg algab 1. veebruaril.
31. January 2024 institutegovernance
Professor Mait Metspalu was re-elected as director of the Institute of Genomics
The Council of the Institute of Genomics at the University of Tartu re-elected Professor Mait Metspalu as the institute's director for 2024–2026.
09. January 2024 institutegovernance
Toomas Plank to continue as Director of the Institute of Physics
Toomas Plank to continue as Director of the Institute of Physics
15. November 2023 institutegovernance
Maia Kivisaar to continue as Director of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology
On 7 November, the council of the University of Tartu Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology re-elected Professor of Microbial Genetics Maia Kivisaar as the director of the institute for 2024-2026.
10. November 2023 governance
Piret Pikma elected as Head of the Institute of Chemistry
On 6 November, the council of the Institute of Chemistry elected Research Fellow of Physical Chemistry Piret Pikma as the new head of the institute. Pikma will start work on 1 January 2024, when the term of office of the current director, Professor Enn Lust, ends.
09. November 2023 institutegovernance
Women leaders shared their success stories at the University of Tartu
At the conference "Empowering Women for Leadership in Technology and Industry", held at the University of Tartu Delta Centre on 17 October, executives from several prestigious companies spoke about their career paths and lessons learned. 
Government appointed Tuul Sepp as new member of UT council
At the senate meeting on 25 August, the senate decided to propose to the Government of the Republic to remove Mari Moora from the University of Tartu council due to her appointment as Vice Rector for Research and to appoint Associate Professor in Animal Ecology Tuul Sepp as member of the council. The government accepted the motion at their session on 12 October.
16. October 2023 governance
New deans of the University of Tartu were elected
On 3 October, the faculties’ electoral bodies elected new deans for the University of Tartu. The Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Anti Selart, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences Margit Keller, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Külli Kingo, and the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology Leho Ainsaar will assume office on 1 January 2024.
03. October 2023 governance