Recipients of Tartu Observatory scholarship presented their research

On 13 November, recipients of Tartu Observatory scholarship, doctoral students Jad-Alexandru Mansour, Ric Dengel and Ian-Andreas Rahn, presented their research at the institute’s seminar.

Jad-Alexandru Mansour - Tartu Ülikool
Jad-Alexandru Mansour (author: Marja-Liisa Plats)

Ernst Julius Öpik scholarship went to Jad-Alexandru Mansour

Jad-Alexandru Mansour started his doctoral studies at the University of Tartu in the autumn of 2022. His doctoral thesis deals with the discovery of cosmic voids in the large-scale spatial distribution of galaxies using data from the J-PAS astronomical survey and the study of the properties of these voids. Jad’s supervisors are Associate Professor Antti Tamm and Research Fellow Lauri Juhan Liivamägi from Tartu Observatory.

The Ernst Julius Öpik scholarship was founded in 1997. Öpik was an Estonian astronomer and one of the founders of the Estonian astronomy school.

Antti Tamm ja Ric Dengel - Tartu Ülikool
Antti Tamm ja Ric Dengel (author: Marja-Liisa Plats)

Ric Dengel received the Charles Villmann scholarship

Ric Dengel started his studies at the University of Tartu in 2022. He is involved in the OPIC project, and his job is to study how machine learning can be used to extract information from space cameras as efficiently as possible. Ric’s supervisors are Associate Professor of Tartu Observatory Mihkel Pajusalu and Professor of Space Technology at Luleå University of Technology Rene Laufer.

The Charles Villmann scholarship, named after the Estonian astronomer and atmospheric physicist, was founded in 2012.

Ian-Andreas Rahn - Tartu Ülikool
Ian-Andreas Rahn (author: Marja-Liisa Plats)

Ian-Andreas Rahn was given the Juhan Ross scholarship

Ian-Andreas Rahn is a 2nd-year doctoral student at Tartu Observatory in the working group on the remote sensing of water bodies. His research aims to use remote sensing techniques to detect phytoplankton blooms in lakes and coastal waters caused by changing climate. Ian-Andreas’ supervisors are Associate Professor Kersti Kangro and Associate Professor Krista Alikas from Tartu Observatory.

This year was the 18th time the Juhan Ross scholarship was awarded. Ross was an Estonian atmospheric physicist and researcher of the radiation transfer in plant canopies.

The scholarships of Tartu Observatory are awarded each autumn. Decisions on the awarding of scholarships are made by the council of Tartu Observatory. The scholarship is awarded based on the student’s academic performance and participation in research.

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