Faculty of Science and Technology

Faculty is the main structural unit of the University of Tartu. The other structural units are non-academic administrative and support units.
The structure of the Faculty of Science and Technology is made up of ten research and development institutes.

Faculty of Science and Technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Tartu in Estonia is a distinguished capacity centre for natural sciences, IT and technology, the heart and soul that integrates theory, common practice, forward-looking applications and technologies.

In the University of Tartu, regarding teaching and research, our faculty is among the most internationally minded and technologically innovative sectors, thereby handing on to our students world level higher education. Several hundred international students study here and courses are held also by numerous excellent international lecturers from among our academic staff members in the faculty.

Students of our faculty learn in the most modern campus facilities and most outstanding lab environments, Physicum, the Institute of Physics opened its doors in 2014. The university’s IT centre located in the downtown premises, opened its doors in 2019. Students can also enjoy the contemporary electronics lab of the Prototyping Centre dating back to 2013. The Prototyping Centre is an excellent ground for implementing innovative ideas and preparing prototypes that lead to creation of successful spin-off enterprises.

On behalf of the advancement of the society and the education system in Estonia the faculty contributes its part by training skillful teachers with versatile capabilities who continue as teachers of mathematics and informatics and secondary school science teachers. Also, we offer continuing education programmes for experienced teachers.

It is precisely from the Faculty of Science and Technology that many of the university’s world famous inventions stem from. Student satellite project ESTCube is currently testing an electric solar wind sail that may in the future be the foundation for spaceship engines. Scientists from the Institute of Physics have invented an innovative technology for altering glass transparency properties and right now they are working on developing the world’s first infrared responsive glass. In the Institute of Technology our faculty members have constructed a robotic mannequin, this design has been widely applied elsewhere on the world market in the popular Fits.me Virtual Fitting Room app. Likewise, here on the spot the Mars-dwelling has been shaped and built, ready to be used for short-term shelter in a disaster area on Earth or why not even on the planet Mars. The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology is carrying out a large-scale reproductive health research project of international significance named Happy Pregnancy, focussing on the complications of pregnancy and the concerns of fertility.

Excellent research results from the Faculty of Science and Technology scholars have fostered the university’s accompaniment of the world’s top 1% most cited academic institutions in addition to computer science also in the fields of molecular biology, genetics, biology and biochemistry, chemistry, botany and zoology, environmental technology, ecology and geography. Our faculty researchers coordinate the activities of four Estonian centres of excellence in research in the area of biodiversity, the area of genomics, the area of chemical biology and the area of computer science.

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