Faculty of Science and Technology

The Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Tartu in Estonia is a distinguished capacity centre for natural sciences, IT and technology, the heart and soul that integrates theory, common practice, forward-looking applications and technologies. This page contains information about guidelines and applications you might need while studying at our university.




#cooperation #research #for society #press-release
Tartu Ülikool ja Cybernetica AS sõlmisid lepingu teadmussiirdedoktorantide koolitamiseks, et leida teadupõhiseid lahendusi infotehnoloogia arendusküsimustele.
#sustainability #for student #university #first-year student #news
As part of Tartu Mobility Week, all students, university staff and cycling enthusiasts are invited to join a bike ride on 16 September at 18:00 to get to know the most convenient cycling route between the Maarjamõisa study buildings, Vanemuise 46, and the Delta study building.
#research #press-release
Ester Oras, Associate Professor in Analytical Chemistry and Archaeology at the University of Tartu, has received a Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC).
#recognition  #news
Nominations can be submitted via the web form until 20 September.