Doctoral center page of Faculty of Science and Technology

The Centre for Doctoral Studies in Science and Technology is a part of the Faculty of Science and Technology, and coordinates four doctoral programmes. The institutes that coordinate the specialities are: Institute of Computer Science, Institute of Bioengineering, Institute of Physics, Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Genomics, Institute of Mathematics and Statistics, Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, Tartu Observatory, Institute of Technology, and Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences. Around 500 doctoral students are enrolled at the faculty, and 36% of them are international students.
The centre ensures the conduct of doctoral studies in the faculty in compliance with the regulations in force, a smooth exchange of information and counselling of doctoral students and supervisors on the organisation of doctoral studies, funding, selection of courses and training opportunities, and other associated activities.

Arrival ABC

Here are the fundamentals for those students who are about to arrive or have already arrived at the University of Tartu.

Transferable skills training

Mobility and events

Information for the 1st year doctoral students

To-do list in the first semester

  • Meet your supervisor for an introductory conversation and fill out the expectations management worksheet. Read more here.

Expectations management worksheet - a list of doctoral student’s and supervisor’s responsibilities

  • First-year doctoral student
    Doctoral students matriculated in the 2024/2025 academic year will compile and submit their individual plan and period plans in TEEK. For the 1st year doctoral student, TEEK became available on the 9th of September 2024.
    NB! User of TEEK does not have to fill in the .docx forms and upload them to SIS! The planning and reporting take place based on electronic forms in TEEK.
  • Doctoral students matriculated since the 2022/2023 academic year
    TEEK is a mandatory application for all doctoral students who have been matriculated since the 2022/2023 academic year to compile and submit their progress review documents. TEEK becomes available for them in the late fall of 2024.
    NB! User of TEEK does not have to fill in the .docx forms and upload them to SIS! The planning and reporting take place based on electronic forms in TEEK.
  • Doctoral students matriculated before the 2022/2023 academic year
    If you were matriculated before, please use the same .docx forms as before and upload them to SIS.

The individual plan is the doctoral student's research and study plan for the entire period of study. A period plan is a part of the individual plan, in which the specified plan of studies and research is agreed upon for the following progress review period. The individual plan is compiled in cooperation with the supervisor(s).

The individual plan for the whole period of doctoral studies is submitted together with the first progress review report of the first year.

The period plan of the first semester must be submitted within one month after matriculation. The doctoral student submits the following period plans together with each progress review report.

  • The Supervision agreement

A supervision agreement is concluded between the doctoral student, the supervisor(s) and the university within one month of the matriculation. The same obligation applies to external students.
The agreement indicates the division of responsibility and tasks between the supervisors. In addition, the agreement states basic conditions of the ownership of intellectual property rights and confidentiality of personal data.

The signed supervision agreement has to be sent to the Institute before the deadline. In the Faculty of Science and Technology, the Director/Head of Institute signs the contract on behalf of the University of Tartu. The agreement is registered on the document management information system.

Supervision agreement

Doctoral students’ self-analysis
For learners in programmes opened from 2022/2023

Self-analysis contributes to your professional development and well-planned doctoral studies. It helps you become aware of and assess your personal development needs and opportunities.

The doctoral students’ self-analysis form is a tool that helps you prepare your individual plan, annual period plans and progress review reports. You can also use the completed form to plan meetings with the supervisor. The self-analysis materials are not part of the mandatory progress review documents, but the progress review committee may ask questions about your self-analysis.

Document form

The recognition of studies and work experience obtained outside the programme (RPL in doctoral studies)
For learners in programmes opened from 2022/2023

When completing a doctoral programme, it is necessary to monitor the acquisition of the learning outcomes and completion of the compulsory activities described in the programme. The doctoral students’ self-analysis form is a valuable tool that helps you assess your skills and development needs to make the choices.

RPL in doctoral studies for learners in programmes opened from 2022/2023

Progress review procedure at the Faculty of Science and Technology

For prospective students

The Faculty of Science and Technology is an international research environment: one-third of our doctoral students are international students. Completing a doctoral degree in English is possible in all our doctoral programmes. From the 2022 year, doctoral students will be hired as junior researchers. No tuition fees are charged to doctoral students.

Doctoral programmes starting from study year 2022/23

Doctoral programmes before study year 2022/23

Organisation of doctoral studies

Doctoral studies are organised by the the Regulations for Doctoral Studies (RDS) at the University of Tartu. The regulations include general rules of supervision, individual plan, progress review and degree application procedure. The University good practices are a recommended reading for all doctoral students, especially Good Practice of Doctoral Studies. You can also find out more about course registration, recognition of prior learning, and related instructions and guidelines.


Graduate Supervision

Graduate Supervision

Status and funding of doctoral students

Status and funding of doctoral students

Planning your studies and assessing your progress: individual study plan, progress review, defence procedure

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