Two new online courses on Trustworthy AI – free for students and staff of University of Tartu

Tehisintellekti kursus
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituut

There is a great opportunity to learn the essential concepts of trustworthy AI. We are happy to announce that the two online courses – Trustworthy AI and Advanced Trustworthy AI – are now freely available.

Students and staff of the University of Tartu can enroll in these courses for free by using their university email addresses ( for platform login.

To get started, please use this signup link. Once you have created a MinnaLearn account, you will see a popup that asks you to accept an invitation to the University of Tartu organization. By accepting this invitation, you will gain access to both courses. Please note that free access is exclusively available through the sign-up link above. If you need, you can also find more detailed instructions on how to access the courses.

Important information for students - it is possible to earn 1 ECTS for both of these courses. In order to pass the course, you need to complete all exercises and get at least 60% of them correct and then you will receive a certificate. If you would like to get ECTSs, please send your certificate to after completing the course.

The first course, Trustworthy AI, is mostly about understanding the basics. After taking the course, you can engage in discussions about trustworthy AI both in your organizations and the society at large. The course starts with the definitions and main concepts, like what do we talk about when we talk about trustworthy AI? Over the chapters, you are introduced to the different steps of the trustworthy AI-building process: detecting and mitigating bias, adding transparency to the AI models, and preparing them for disturbances and attacks.

The second course, Advanced Trustworthy AI, continues from where the first course left off and digs into the technical details behind the steps of trustworthiness in more detail. The learners are presented with many practical examples with code previews on how to assess and document bias in AI models, how to apply and analyze different explainability methods and describe potential real-life security threat scenarios.

MinnaLearn, the developers of the renowned online course “Elements of AI” (with over 1 million subscribers worldwide) has partnered with the University of Tartu, Delft University of Technology, University College Dublin, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Fraunhofer FOKUS to create these two exceptional online courses. The courses have been created as part of the SPATIAL project and funded by the European Union. The University of Tartu participates in EU SPATIAL through the Distributed and Pervasive Systems Group of the Institute of Computer Science.

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