WHEN? February, 21 2024 from 12.30 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
WHERE? V Spa conference center, Riia 2
All students of the Maarjavälja Institutes and students of the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology and Ecology and Earth Sciences are invited to participate.
There is an opportunity to get acquainted with dozens of companies, and we also offer a body check. Come and find yourself a future job today!
We will add the agenda and the participating companies to the real sciences website at the beginning of the new year, and we will certainly announce it under the Career Day Facebook event.
Participating companies: Riigi Laboriuuringute ja Riskihindamise Keskus, Solis BioDyne, Icosagen, Keskkonnaagentuur, Viru Keemia Grupp, Maa-amet, Põllumajanduse Registrite ja Informatsiooni Amet, Eesti Geoloogiateenistus, Inseneribüroo Steiger, H2Electro, Skeleton+, SYNLAB, Metrosert, KappaZeta, Pfizer, TÜ Kliinikumi Ühendlabor ja Geneetika- ja personaalmeditsiini kliiniku laboriosakond, Ravimiamet, Toidu- ja Fermentatsioonitehnoloogia Arenduskeskus, Stockholmi Keskkonnainstituudi Tallinna Keskus, Karl Storz Video Endoscopy Estonia, Apotheks, Tamro Baltics, Euroapteek.
Solis BioDyne has been developing and producing life science reagents since 1995, having become one of the leading reagent suppliers in Europe today. High standards for production and service have made Solis BioDyne a trusted trademark worldwide. Their DNA polymerases, PCR Master Mixes, qPCR Mixes and reverse transcription reagents are used by a quickly growing number of customers across the globe, including top research institutes and biotech-companies. Solis BioDyne has partners in both private and state sectors, with cooperation projects ranging from OEM production to scientific research.
Icosagen is a leading biotechnology group in Estonia having provided custom-tailored services as well as catalogue products for global customers in academia, pharma and biotech industry for several years. The company is a research-driven contract research provider for biopharmaceutical and biotechnology industries that deftly adapts to market forces and current trends, and is always guided by the needs of its customers. Icosagen continuously develops and improves its products, technologies and services to provide additional innovation and benefit to the customers. Icosagen is currently building a GMP protein production facility in Estonia. Icosagen has over 170 skilled and committed professional team members that have contributed to company image of being quick, scientifically knowledgeable and technically savvy. Our credo is quality.
We turn our material-based advantage into high-performance energy storage to accelerate electrification in the transportation, grid, industry, and automotive sectors.
Hedgehog is a design house that specializes in fast-cycle prototyping of electronics and software. We are based in Tartu, Estonia and work with clients from all over the world. We pride ourselves on our ability to quickly turn ideas into prototypes and products. We have a team of highly skilled engineers who are passionate about what they do. If you are looking for a company that can help you turn your ideas into reality, Hedgehog is the place for you.