The Student Satellite info evening

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Eesti Tudengisatelliidi Sihtasutus

The Student Satellite is launching a new project and invites everyone to info evening to introduce the opportunity to join the team.

The info evening takes place on 19 September in the University of Tartu Physicum room A106. The Student Satellite Foundation, the new satellite project SUTS as well as the development and mission progress of the ESTCube-2 satellite will be introduced. You will have a chance to talk to the team members and contribute to the project when joining the foundation. Come and spend a lovely evening.

The Student Satellite Foundation is currently recruiting in various areas, including engineering, software, human resources, design, finance and more. There is no need to have a degree in a space-related field to contribute to their satellite projects!

Schedule of the event will be posted soon on Facebook event. Please register here.

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