Tartu Observatory's associate professor Jan Pisek, in collaboration with researcehrs from University of Montreal and Aarhus University, published an article in the prestigious scientific journal Nature on how to conduct scientific research in the Arctic without Russia.
The world´s leading multidisciplinary science journal Nature recently published a call to strengthen cooperation among other Arctic nations and researchers who have knowledge of Russian Arctic. The article, written by Jan Pisek, associate professor of remote sensing at Tartu Observatory, and his co-authors Oliver Sonnentag (University of Montreal) and Torben R. Christensen (Aarhus University), highlights the importance of Arctic research in helping to mitigate climate change.
Following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, many countries have suspended academic ties with Russia. The article suggests that the Arctic Council should initiate collaboration between other nations, also alternative research methods (including accelerated use of remote sensing) could help alleviate Russia's absence.
Read the article „Arctic science: resuming action without Russia“.
Further information:
Jan Pisek, Associate Professor in Remote Sensing of Landscapes at Tartu Observatory, jan.pisek [ät] ut.ee