
There are eleven institutes in the Faculty of Science and Technology

The Institute of Computer Science is one of the fastest growing and most international institutes at the University of Tartu. Due to international Master's and PhD programmes, a vast portion of our student body have come from abroad. Also a considerable amount of our research and teaching staff are top specialist with an international background - currently we can count employees of over 30 different nationalities.

The Estonian Marine Institute is a contemporary scientific institution. The main purpose of the Marine Institute is research to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the Marine sphere in Estonia and the Baltic Sea region.

Physics is the foundation for various natural sciences and provides knowledge for a number of scientific fields and disciplines. Institute of Physics provides a comprehensive education in physics and materials science and equips our students with widely applicable science skills and competitiveness in job market. Scientists in Institute of Physics conduct both nationally and internationally important research in the diverse fields of physics and materials science often with interdisciplinary reach.

Institute of Genomics was established to promote greater synergy between genomic-based research, teaching and other scientific fields. This allows more effective collaboration with different research centres and universities and greater recognition among the global scientific community.

The UT Institute of Chemistry has approximately 160 employees and is the leading chemistry and materials science research and higher education unit in Estonia. The institute is composed of 10 chairs and the Testing Centre. The latter is an ISO/IEC 17025 accredited unit providing contract services in measurement, testing and chemical analysis.

The priority of the institute is to make sure mathematicians and statisticians are represented in Estonia in the future. The institute is active in research and is open to collaboration with fellow institutes and universities. Since the beginning of 2020, the Institute of Mathematics and Statistics has been located at the brand new Delta centre. The centre has a modern and cross-disciplinary science and study environment.

The Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology conducts research in molecular life sciences and provides "white biology" education at all three levels: bachelor's, master's and doctoral. Research includes experimental research in biochemistry, bioinformatics, developmental biology, microbiology, molecular biology, cell biology and genetics, from microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, yeasts) to multicellular organisms (fruit fly, mouse, human).

The principal area of activity of The University of Tartu Tartu Observatory is the research and experimental development on natural sciences to promote science in the fields of astronomy, remote sensing and space technology, provide research-based services in these areas, be a reliable partner in the international networks, train young scientists and extend the natural-scientific worldview.

Institute of Technology is a multidisciplinary research institution that gives broad-based education. It gives a strong advantage in Estonian and also in the world job market. Institute unites computer engineering, robotics, electronics, material science, biosciences and environmental technologies, therefore our students have a broad opportunity to work with scientists who are creating novel solutions in all fields.

Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences become into being on August 1, 2007. The main task of the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences is to conduct teaching, research and development activities and provide services for the society in biology, earth sciences and environmental sciences and the related disciplines. Internally, the Institute of is made up of four relatively independent Departments and one Centre: Department of Botany, Department of Geography, Department of Geology, Department of Zoology and Science Education Centre.

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