Language models (such as Le Chat, EuroLLM, Llama, and ChatGPT) have turned the world of artificial intelligence on its head and are increasingly influencing the rest of the world.
29–31 January sees the 9th Startup Day business festival. The University of Tartu will showcase its entrepreneurial research activities in the demo area, discuss the myths of the deep tech business on the main stage, and lead and organise seminars and side events.
The Data Science Seminar "Triple-Helix Collaboration on Data" will focus on the synergy between academia, industry, and government known as the "triple-helix" model.
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudis pakutakse võimalust õppida IT-tööstusmagistrantuuris. See on praktiline õppeprogramm, mis toob kokku ettevõtted ja instituudi targad magistrandid.
The UT Institute of Computer Science and the UT High Performance Computing Centre, invite all those interested to discover the exciting world of supercomputers and high-performance computing.
How do we decide where and how AI should be applied, and what challenges arise along the way? At this seminar, several AI researchers and industry experts will present their insights and experiences.
Collaboration between computer scientists at the University of Tartu in the development of an app for cancer diagnosis will be boosted through the university's investment company UniTartu Ventures.
Alongside the creation of new technologies, Ida-Virumaa's transition to a sustainable economic model requires diversified skills and support for the development of research-intensive businesses.