Conditions for applying for Estonian Doctoral School mobility grant for doctoral students in Faculty of Science and Technology

To apply for support, a doctoral student submits a formal application in the academic mobility work environment (on the UT website, select Academic mobility environment from Information systems and please select the program Estonian Doctoral School mobility grant, under this competition: Estonian Doctoral School mobility support for doctoral students in the Faculty of Science and Technology), which contains:

1. Confirmation by the event organizer, that the doctoral student´s presentation has been accepted, or in case of participation in a course, seminar or other activity, confirmation of acceptance by the host institution (e.g. registration confirmation, invitation letter, etc.);

2. when applying for compesation of participation fee, confirmation of the amount of the participation fee.

The supervisor does not need to submit a letter of recommendation. Please add Maris Hindrikson, not your supervisor, as approver of your Mobility grant application because otherwise it might be, that you won´t have time to complement your application if it is necessary.


In 2024, there will be two rounds of mobility grant for doctoral students in the Faculty of Science and Technology:

(1) 1.-15. May 2024

(2) 1.-15. October 2024

A doctoral student in the Faculty of Science and Technology at University of Tartu can apply for a mobility grant once during the Doctoral School period (2024-2029) with maximum amount 2000 euros.


A sentence must be added to the activity report or secondment report: "The secondment/study visit is in accordance with the University of Tartu project "Cooperation between universities to promote doctoral studies" (2021-2027.4.04.24-0003) and with goals and action plan of the project.

If the doctoral student participates in the event with a presentation or poster presentation, these must comply with the notification requirements. In case of non-compliance with the notification requirements, mobility costs from the Doctoral School are not eligible. A logo must be placed on the opening page of the presentation or poster: see instructions for use, logo files (EST, ENG).


Additional information:, 5542532