12.05.2022 J. Liivi 2-127. Elise Joonas kaitseb doktoritööd "Evaluation of metal contaminant hazard on microalgae with environmentally relevant testing strategies"
On 14. April at 14.15, UT Senate hall doctoral defence Keit Kill "Nutrient fluxes regulation in an in-stream constructed wetland treating polluted agricultural runoff"
A new public online lecture series “Mobility analysis and planning for human-scale cities” arranged by the Mobility Lab, Department of Geography, starts on March 10th.
10. märtsil algab avatud veebiloengute sari „Liikuvusanalüüs ja planeerimine inimmõõtmeliste linnade jaoks“, mida korraldab TÜ geograafia osakonna mobiilsusuuringute labor.
Researchers of the University of Tartu Institute of Social Sciences have compiled a list of information channels that provide reliable and up-to-date information during the war.
Maarja Paalo will defend her doctoral dissertation "Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Carbon Materials for High Power Supercapacitor Applications" on March 29 at 12.15 Ravila 14A-1020.
Kaspar Koolmeister, Junior Research Fellow in Plant Biology at the University of Tartu, took a photo in honour of the 104th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia.