This year, the brand-new Tiksu’s Advent calendar “Tiksu’s 24 days until Christmas” makes awaiting the holiday season special. Each day, a window opens in the calendar with a picture of Tiksu in a new role or doing something Christmas-themed.
Join us for a Virtual Open Day where we will cover the admission process, important deadlines, English requirements, student life and much more for 2025 applicants.
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudis pakutakse võimalust õppida IT-tööstusmagistrantuuris. See on praktiline õppeprogramm, mis toob kokku ettevõtted ja instituudi targad magistrandid.
At the meeting on 22 November, the University of Tartu senate elected Meelis Kull, Associate Professor in Machine Learning at the Institute of Computer Science, as Professor of Artificial Intelligence.
On Tuesday, 17 December, at 16:15, Professor in Information Systems Kuldar Taveter will deliver his inaugural lecture, “Towards emotionally intelligent and smart information systems”.
Adult learners are welcome to participate in micro-credential programmes starting in the spring semester to acquire an additional specialisation or competence in a narrow field. Applications can be submitted until 26 January.
The first week of the traditional night library will take place this year from 9 to 13 December, when students can study in the library until midnight. In January, you can visit the night library for three weeks.
European Research Council has awarded a Consolidator Grant to Laur Kanger, Associate Professor of Technology Research at the University of Tartu, to investigate why future technologies can aggravate environmental problems rather than solve them.
27 countries join forces to establish a unique pan-European reference database comprising of a minimum of 100,000 genomes representative of European citizens.
At the ceremony marking the anniversary of Estonia’s national university on 1 December, the expatriate Estonian visiting professor’s scholarship was presented to Docent in Human Geography at the University of Helsinki Department of Geosciences and Geography and Academy Research Fellow Olle Järv.
Speech by Rector of the University of Tartu Professor Toomas Asser at the ceremony marking the 105th anniversary of Estonia’s national university on 1 December 2024.
The analytics company Clarivate revealed its 2024 list of Highly Cited Researchers, which includes five scientists from the University of Tartu. A total of six representatives of Estonian research institutions made it to the list of 6,886 influential researchers.
Maarja Öpik, Professor of Molecular Ecology and Director of the Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences of the University of Tartu, will take up the position of Editor-in-Chief of New Phytologist, a scientific journal of plant biology, for five years from January 2025.
Anthropogenic aerosols, tiny solid and liquid air pollution particles, have masked a fraction of global warming caused by anthropogenic greenhouse gases.
Starting on 25 November, the digital archive of the University of Tartu in DSpace will be called ADA. With the new name, the archive will also have a fresh homepage design that aligns with the design of the university’s website.