From 10 to 16 February, the University of Tartu will have a thematic week for Women in Science, aiming to underline the role of women and girls in science, break gender stereotypes and encourage women to pursue a career in science. During the week, a discussion on ensuring equal opportunities is held, and the university’s gender statistics are presented. It is also possible to take a curator’s tour of the exhibition in the university’s museum and see a travelling exhibition about astronomers.
From 6 to 31 January, the University of Tartu will have its first Digital Cleanup Month. The university invites everyone to dedicate at least 30 minutes every week to get rid of digital waste and tidy up their personal or their unit’s digital space.
On Monday, 3 February, at 4:15 PM, a lecture on medical artificial intelligence will take place in the University of Tartu Delta Study Building (Narva mnt 18-2048). The speakers are Dr Frank Ursin and Dr Cristian Timmermann from Germany. The lecture, titled “Levels of Explicability: How to Overcome Epistemological and Normative Barriers in Medical AI”, is organised by the Centre for Ethics of the University of Tartu, Department of Philosophy, and the Estonian Centre of Excellence in AI (EXAI).
Aukodaniku tiitli pälvisid Tartu Ülikooli emeriitprofessor Ene-Margit Tiit ja Rahvusmõtte auhinna 2024. aasta laureaat, TÜ raamatukogu endine direktor Krista Aru.
The results of cowslip observations carried out in over 5,200 locations shed light on the well-being of insect-pollinated plants under changing climate and land use conditions.
On 11 February, the University of Tartu organises the Estonian Doctoral School’s second Career Conference, The Value of a Doctoral Degree in the Job Market, in the university library.
The National Research Awards Committee has approved the following researchers from the University of Tartu as nominees for this year’s research awards.
At the conference “Teaching for Learning 2025: Journey Towards Valued Teaching”, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Aune Valk presented the 2024 teaching awards and the teaching quality award.
On February 10, the Barlova Science Night will feature Alexandra Lehtmets, a Junior Research Fellow in Stellar Physics at the University of Tartu. Together, we will explore the potential of planets beyond our Solar System to support life.
29–31 January sees the 9th Startup Day business festival. The University of Tartu will showcase its entrepreneurial research activities in the demo area, discuss the myths of the deep tech business on the main stage, and lead and organise seminars and side events.
On 10 January at 18:00, we invite you the next "Starry Night", where we will talk about the cosmic tape measure, listen to cosmic music and take a look at the starry sky.
Join us for a Virtual Open Day where we will cover the admission process, important deadlines, English requirements, student life and much more for 2025 applicants.
Tartu Ülikooli arvutiteaduse instituudis pakutakse võimalust õppida IT-tööstusmagistrantuuris. See on praktiline õppeprogramm, mis toob kokku ettevõtted ja instituudi targad magistrandid.
At the meeting on 22 November, the University of Tartu senate elected Meelis Kull, Associate Professor in Machine Learning at the Institute of Computer Science, as Professor of Artificial Intelligence.