Topic: studies

Industrial doctoral student combines work and studies
The industrial doctorate offers a unique opportunity for companies, universities and doctoral students to work together.
22. May 2024 studiesresearch
Mobility and events
Mobiilsus ja üritused
15. May 2024 studies
Musician Kadri Voorand to be the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu
In the coming academic year, singer, pianist and composer Kadri Voorand will become the new Professor of Liberal Arts at the University of Tartu, with a lecture course focusing on life-changing creation. She will be succeeded by Peeter Jalakas, former professor and director, who will participate in a public discussion titled “Feeling and meaning” in the attic hall of Tartu Cathedral on the evening of 23 May.
Career conference „To new hights with a PhD degree!“
On 16 May, the Estonian Doctoral School Career Conference will be held in Tallinn to discuss the value of doctoral studies and the career prospects of doctoral students. All Estonian doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies are welcome to attend.
Student Project Contest 2024
On 3 June 2024, the final event of the Student Project Contest will take place in the Delta Study Building, where participants present their projects to the committee and the rest of the audience at the poster session.
The summer school on planetary populations is bringing together leading scientists and students
From 16 to 20 September 2024, the Exohost project summer school "Planet Formation and Populations" will take place in Tõravere.
14. March 2024 studies
Summer workshop is focusing on the use of microsatellites in planetary and astrobiology research
The workshop will focus on the use of microsatellites in planetary and astrobiology research, as well as the exploration of various space targets.
14. March 2024 studies
Computer Vision in Space Summer School offers both practical and theoretical experience in image processing and visual data analysis
Computer vision in space involves the application of image processing and artificial intelligence techniques to analyse visual data obtained in space environments. Summer School happens on-site in Tartu 28 July - 10 August 2024.
01. March 2024 studies
Doctoral students are invited to attend the course “Research based Entrepreneurship”
In the upcoming spring semester, for the first time, an elective course titled “Research based Entrepreneurship” will be offered specifically for doctoral students. The course aims to provide doctoral students with basic knowledge of entrepreneurship. Doctoral students from all programmes are welcome, regardless of whether they have a specific idea to focus on for business development during the course or not.
10. January 2024 entrepreneurshipstudies
Recipients of Tartu Observatory scholarship presented their research
On 13 November, recipients of Tartu Observatory scholarship, doctoral students Jad-Alexandru Mansour, Ric Dengel and Ian-Andreas Rahn, presented their research at the institute’s seminar.
20. November 2023 studies