Teoreetilise füüsika seminar

Dark Universe puzzle (Credit: Lynette Cook)

Teisipäeval, 13. septembril kell 16.15 TÜ Physicumi ruumis A102 ja BBB online kanalil

Esineja: Ahmet Ilker Topuz (TÜ füüsika doktorant)

Pealkiri: Effect of passive metallic layers on muon energy estimation by means of deflection angle for muon scattering tomography: A comparative study based on GEANT4 simulations

Kokkuvõte: In the tomographic configurations based on the muon scattering, the angular variation with respect to the kinetic energy indirectly brings forth the ability to coarsely predict the kinetic energy by using the deflection angle owing to the detector layers. Nevertheless, the angular deviation due to the detector components is expected to be minuscule in addition to a relatively high uncertainty in the case of the plastic scintillators. In the present study, we contrast our current tomographic prototype, which consists of the detector layers manufactured from polyvinyl toluene besides a detector accuracy of 1 mrad, with an alternative hodoscope scheme containing stainless steel layers by aiming to investigate the three-group energy structure along with the four-group energy arrangement. Initially, we determine the average deflection angles together with the corresponding standard deviations for our present setup as well as for the alternative scheme by means of the GEANT4 simulations. In the second place, we express a brace of misclassification probabilities founded on the standard deviations where the first procedure assumes a linear finite approximation, whereas the latter approach rests on a positively defined modified Gaussian distribution. Upon our simulation results, we demonstrate that the introduced stainless steel layers in the proposed hodoscope setup do not only serve to augment the average deflection angles, but they also diminish the misclassification probabilities, therewith reducing the classification uncertainty apart from an improved detection performance.

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Järgmised seminarid:
20.09.2022 Adrian Casado Turrion (TÜ külalisdoktorant, Complutense ülikool, Madrid, Hispaania)
27.09.2022 Fernando Izaurieta (Concepción, Tšiili) Gravitational Waves: A falsification Tool for Riemann-Cartan Gravity Theories?
11.10.2022 Tomasz Zawadzki (Łódź, Poola)
18.10.2022 Sofía Vidal (TÜ füüsika doktorant) Model-independent cosmology and its application to Kinetic Field Theory
25.10.2022 Vasiliki Karanasou (TÜ füüsika doktorant) Thin-shell wormholes in Einstein gravity and Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity

Varasemad seminarid:
06.09.2022 Raamatuesitlus A. Einstein "Eri- ja üldrelatiivsusteooriast (üldarusaadavalt)", A. Eddington "Füüsikalise maailma olemus" (ettekanded: Manuel Hohmann "Vaatlustest Einsteini teooriateni ja sealt edasi", Laurits Leedjärv "Müstiline geenius Arthur Eddington")
07.06.2022 Laxmipriya Pati (TÜ külalisdoktorant, BITS Pilani Hyderabad) Rip cosmological models in extended symmetric teleparallel cosmology
31.05.2022 Nico Alexis Benincasa (TÜ füüsika doktorant, KBFI) Multi-step phase transitions and gravitational waves in the inert doublet model
24.05.2022 Taimo Priinits (TÜ füüsika magistrant) Interaktsioonikanalite segunemine kahetsoonilises ülijuhis; Martin Vasar (TÜ füüsika magistrant) Arvutusteek inflatsiooni ülesannete lahendamiseks mitte-minimaalselt seotud skalaarvälja teoorias
17.05.2022 Paul Martinin Kull (TÜ füüsika üliõpilane) Radially anisotropic wormholes in f(R,T) gravity; Kärt Soieva (TÜ füüsika üliõpilane) The cooling process of brown dwarfs in Horndeski theory of gravity; Joosep Lember (TÜ füüsika üliõpilane) Sfääriliselt sümmeetrilised staatilised mustad augud skalaar-mittemeetrilisuse teoorias
03.05.2022 Alice Boldrin (TÜ külalisdoktorant, Varssavi). Dirac procedure and the Hamiltonian formalism for cosmological perturbations in a Bianchi I universe
26.04.2022 Júnior Diniz Toniato (Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil). The PPN Formalism: Review, applications and usage limits
19.04.2022 Arpan Chatterjee (TÜ füüsika doktorant). A modern shape for the non-local Nambu Jona-Lasinio model
12.04.2022 Aleksei Kubarski (TÜ füüsika doktorant, KBFI). Tumeaine poolt indutseeritud dünaamiline sümmeetriarikkumine kriitilise punkti lähedal
05.04.2022 Sotirios Karamitsos (Pisa Ülikool, Itaalia). Metric to Palatini (and vice versa): the strong limit and potential reconstruction in attractor theories of inflation
22.03.2022 Alejandro Hernández Arboleda (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasiilia). Additional velocity distribution: a fast sample analysis for dark matter or modified gravity models
15.03.2022 Sree Kanth Hari Kumar (TÜ külalisdoktorant, Varssavi). Moffat MOdified Gravity(MOG) / Scalar Tensor Vector Gravity (STVG)
08.03.2022 Adrià Delhom I Latorre (TÜFI teoreetilise füüsika teadur). Ghosts in curvature-based metric-affine gravity and the role of projective symmetry
01.03.2022 Débora Aguiar Gomes (TÜ külalisdoktorant; Ceará osariigi ülikool, Brasiilia). Symmetric Teleparallel Equivalent of General Relativity
22.02.2022 Francisco José Maldonado Torralba (Madrid, Tartu). Explaining dark matter with torsion
15.02.2022 Sree Kanth Hari Kumar (TÜ külalisdoktorant, Varssavi). Gravitational lensing of gravitational waves
08.02.2022 Flavio Bombacigno (Valencia). Quasinormal modes of Schwarzschild black holes in projective invariant Chern-Simons gravity
25.01.2022 Nico Alexis Benincasa (TÜ füüsika doktorant, KBFI). Multi-step phase transitions and gravitational waves in the inert doublet model
18.01.2022 Priidik Gallagher (TÜ füüsika doktorant). Pregeometry, Yang-Mills Theory and Gravity
14.12.2021 Joosep Pata (KBFI). Machine learning for data reconstruction at the LHC
07.12.2021 Vladimir Hižnjakov (TÜ tahkiseteooria kaasprofessor, emeriitprofessor, akadeemik). Mechanisms of motion of vibrational solitons
30.11.2021 Carlo Marzo (KBFI). Radiatively stable unitarity in higher-spin models, and applications in metric-affine gravity
23.11.2021 Martin Vasar (TÜ füüsika magistrant). E-fold differences in the Jordan and Einstein frames and a possible solution
16.11.2021 Raissa F. P. Mendes (Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil). Probing general relativity with neutron star oscillations
09.11.2021 Marek Biesiada (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland). Strong lensing of gravitational waves - new opportunities for multimessenger astronomy
02.11.2021 Kristjan Müürsepp (TÜ füüsika doktorant, KBFI). Multispinor formalism for higher spin theory: particle physics phenomenology
19.10.2021 Konstantinos Pallikaris (TÜ füüsika doktorant). Horndeski with axions: shaping black holes
12.10.2021 Adam Zadrozny (National Center for Nuclear Research, Poland; LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA collaboration). Gravitational Waves: what we learned so far
05.10.2021 Surajit Kalita (Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore). Probing violation of Chandrasekhar mass-limit through gravitational waves
28.09.2021 Soham Bhattacharya (AEI Hamburg). Stumbling around in the modified gravity landscape
21.09.2021 Emanuele Zappala (TÜ matemaatika teadur). Braided matter interactions in quantum gravity via 1-handle attachment
14.09.2021 Carlos Argüelles (ICRA Pescara, ICRA Rome, La Plata Univ.). Dark matter in the Milky Way: from SgrA* to the entire halo
07.09.2021 Erik Jensko (TÜ külalisdoktorant, University College London). Modifying General Relativity with boundary terms
31.08.2021 Raamatuesitlus A. Einstein "Üldrelatiivusteooria põhialus", H. Weyl "Sümmetria" (ettekanded: Piret Kuusk "Albert Einstein ja tema üldrelatiivsusteooria", Laur Järv "Sümmeetria kui 20. saj. fundamentaalfüüsika võti")

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